Prof. M.V. Kartikeyan

Professor and Director (IIITDM-Kancheepuram)

Areas of Interest 

--High-power Millimeter wave and Terahertz Engineering, Sources and Allied Components
--RF Circuits (RF-CAS), Antennas and Systems
--Metamaterials and Fractals for Planar Antennas, Filters and Periodic Structures
--Computational Techniques and Soft-computing in Microwave Domain


--Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India

Dr. Abhishek K Jha

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest

--RF Sensors and Transducers
--Microwave to THz Characterization and Imaging Techniques
--Metamaterials, Metasurfaces and Their Applications
--3D-Printed/Inkjet-Printed RF Devices
--Wireless and Flexible RF Electronics
--ENZ, MNZ and EMNZ Structures


--Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India

Dr. Srujana Kagita

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest

--RF & Microwave Components and Antennas
--Analog Circuit Design


--Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi ,India
--M.S., Arizona State University, USA

Dr. Ramesh Patel

Assistant Professor

Areas of Interest

--Antenna System Architecture for Wireless Communication and Sensing
--Base Station and Advanced Antenna System (AAS) Design for 5G and Beyond       Communication Networks.


--Ph.D., Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea.
--M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India.

Mr. Vijay Kumar Aakarapu

Junior Technical Superintendent (JTS)
RF and Microwave Lab.